Made By Factory
M3 5BQ
We're Factory. A digital agency in Manchester. We make creatively clever digital marketing campaigns & beautifully crafted websites for growing brands.
我们是一家独立的数字机构,由一位经验丰富的设计专家和前谷歌员工共同创立. 我们知道如何让数字活动发挥作用,从而不断带来投资回报. 我们在这里帮助您将您的品牌与您的客户联系起来,没有术语,没有烟雾或镜子.
We're just straight talking, honest, friendly humans who like results.
因为没有“一刀切”,我们真的花时间去了解您的个人需求. We care about what we do, we listen, work with you and provide the solution you actually need, not the one we want to sell.
由于糟糕的账户设置,超过60%的数字广告支出被浪费了, incorrect targeting and/or bad ad copy, we can help. 如果你想停止浪费你的广告支出,并获得更多的预算, or to start gaining new customers online, we have the skillset to get you the rewards your business deserves.
We specialise in Digital Marketing (PPC. Social, Video, email etc...) and have an ex-Googler heading up our marketing business. 我们是完全合格的专家谷歌广告,Facebook/Instagram广告和领英广告.
如果你正在寻找一个新的网站,并真的想在不断增长的数字市场中脱颖而出, 我们还设计和构建令人敬畏的尖端网站,跨越各种技术,以满足您的需求, such as WordPress, Laravel, Statamic among others.
Finally, our Creative Director 是一个完全成熟的平面设计师,可以满足你所有的设计需求. 我们为小型企业创建品牌、宣传册和标识(以及许多其他服务) FTSE 100 corporate businesses.
If you want more rewards from your digital offering, 今天就和我们的专家谈谈,我们会指引你走向正确的方向.
Digital Marketing
We are a Google Partner agency and even have an ex-Googler in our ranks. So when we create and implement digital marketing strategies, 我们这样做有两个主要的目的——使我们的客户的业务成功和增加销售.
We market our clients across all major digital marketing platforms, from Google to Facebook/Instagram and from Twitter to LinkedIn. 我们制定数字营销策略,以确保我们的每个客户都能做到最好, at the right time and to the right people.
我们在Google, Facebook, Instagram等平台制作了极具吸引力的图形广告... and promote these to bespoke created audiences. 基于我们对数字营销的广泛了解,我们建立了定制的受众档案,并将不断开展研究,以调整这些受众,使其对我们的客户有利.
这使我们能够根据各种因素(如季节性事件和销售等)在需要时调整目标... 最终目标是让我们的客户在尽可能多的相关人士面前,并在所提供的出版物中引起兴趣和参与.
Web Design & Development
We hand code all of our websites, 所以你可以放心,你的新在线形象将有你想要的外观和感觉. Our combination of designers, 营销人员和开发人员意味着我们知道如何设计和建立真正为我们的客户工作的网站.
As we have a highly skilled UX designer and an ex-Googler in our team, 我们确实知道如何设计真正有效的网站,并满足您的目标和期望. 多年来,我们设计和开发了许多网站,并将业务从小型本地公司扩展到覆盖整个英国及其他地区.
Through our development, we have helped some clients go from c.5,000 visitors per month to over c.40,000, thanks to our user experience expertise. What just one of our many happy clients had to say:
"The team at Factory spent the time to get to know us as a business. 我们很高兴有人牵着我们的手,引导我们经历所有这些激动人心的变化.“我们花时间真正了解你的业务和你的目标,然后我们使用我们的用户体验 & 设计经验,创造令人敬畏的网络存在,你的公司应得的.
A few case studies....
Google Ads - FR Jones & Son
是园艺和树木设备和机械供应和服务的行业领导者, 琼斯和孙正义正通过他们的在线服务来减少行业内的竞争. 琼斯和孙正义(FR Jones and Son)在开展了自己的谷歌购物活动后找到了我们,但希望获得更高的回报.
他们希望扩展到谷歌搜索和显示,以增加他们的潜力. As a business, 他们知道自己有一个强大的产品,并希望通过多个PPC活动和现实的预算来增加他们的覆盖面和销售额. 在过去的六个月里,我们的网站获得了超过11000次的新转换.
Web Design & Development and Marketing - Anthony K
Like many independent car leasing SME’s, Anthony K utilise a system that sources the best vehicles on offer, and then help to steer their customers through the process. Vehicle leasing has become a huge industry and for the average customer, the choice of deals is overwhelming.
As Anthony K evolved into the digital era, 他们的正面网站是搜索设施,导致广泛的选择阵列. This is where our expertise was needed. Our client felt that whilst comprehensive, the choices available on the home page of the website were overwhelming.
The result is you land on the car database with a more filtered result. 该网站还允许安东尼K以自己的风格展示重要信息和博客. 没有网站是设置和忘记和安东尼K继续与我们合作,以驱动导致他们的网站与一个高度有针对性的谷歌活动.
Web Design & Development - Driftwood Distillery
我们很荣幸与荷兰的Driftwood杜松子酒酒厂联系, to help market their craft gins. 浮木酒厂目前提供四种包装精美的工艺杜松子酒,可在全球范围内使用.
漂流木目前的网站已经创建了很长一段时间,并由业主管理. As with many websites, 管理它的过程与只做你擅长的事情(在这种情况下), distilling gin) became harder and harder.
Web Design & Development - Naturelly
我们在与“企业国家”(Enterprise Nation)一起前往爱尔兰都柏林的贸易代表团中遇到了“自然”的创始人. We got along famously with our fellow Mancunian. 从那时起,我们也一直是这个辉煌的多次获奖小吃的粉丝.
我们很高兴能被委托创建一个网站来反映这个品牌. 客户想要一个具有简单电子商务功能的视觉吸引力,响应迅速的网站. So, this fun website effectively communicates the brand, a grass roots, family run organic food and drink company. What we created for Naturelly.